Innovative approaches to planning
Angus Planning Performance Framework Case Study: Accessible Arbroath
The project sought to establish an Active Travel Corridor through the town of Arbroath. This involved removal of sections of the dual carriageway of the A92 and the formation of a cycleway and footway with improved public spaces. This project responds to a number of community events that took place which identified the A92 as causing accessibility issues.
Who was involved?
General Public, Authority Planning Staff, hard to reach groups, Authority other staff.
What did they do?
From a 2018-19 feasibility study the project has continued to evolve focusing on reallocation of road space for cycle, pedestrian and place making uses in Arbroath. Angus Council progressed a Community Links funded project (Accessible Arbroath) and was successful in competing for funding the Community Links Plus Programme. Emphasis has been on participation.
The Accessible Arbroath Report demonstrates that it is possible to meet current and projected travel flow with single lanes and appropriate junction. The Arbroath Active Travel Active Town project is currently entered into the Sustrans Community Links PLUS funding competition. Should the project be successful winning projects will be announced in Summer 2020 with proposed project delivery before Summer 2023.
Contribution to planning
This is a potentially transformative project for Arbroath.
For more information:
Angus PPF page 12-13:
Accessible Arbroath report:
Shaping Angus:
Key themes: active travel, collaboration, participation, design, place-making, cycling, walking